Baby Magic
When I look at this picture I see magic. The magic of life. It’s a surreal and absolutely wonderful feeling to have one baby on the inside and one baby on the outside at the same time. One life still being created and yet to come out and feel our unconditional love, and one who got to see the world for the first time almost exactly two years ago - and who’s now a big sister in the making. The only thing separating the two sisters is birth. The magic of birth.
To feel the connection between the inside world and the outside truly warms my heart: Flora’s sweet kisses and hugs on my stomach and her adorable way of saying “little sister” while she gets a gentle kick from the inside as a loving response. And for me, the creator of life: although I have been through one birth already, the whole process of pregnancy truly blows my mind every day. Even though I physically and emotionally understand that there is a living human being inside of me that my body has been able to create all by itself, it’s really hard to cognitively fully grasp the greatness of it all. The greatness of pregnancy, of birth, and of life. The greatness of life itself. And perhaps we shouldn’t fully be able to cognitively understand the creation of life, but to allow ourselves to just experience it, since it is, by definition, pure magic.